Thursday, February 5, 2009

we have the power

26/11/2008……Mumbai saw one of the greatest acts of terrorism worldwide….if not by its sheer dimension of destruction…it instilled fear in us by making us realize how powerless we are…if something as secure n protected as the Trident could be attacked…then where do we, the common people, stand in terms of security??

As to what has been done and what is being done at the international level post 26/11
is much disputed…but here I wish to discuss the role that we can play in eradication of
the social evils that in their turn give rise to terrorism…..the number one reason is poverty which in itself is a burning problem in India…but have we done anything about it??The second reason is discrimination of a certain section of people …why are we so limited in our outlook towards them?Why do we look twice when we encounter a muslim name?Why those furtive glances at the burqa clad women standing at a bus stop??Whatever they wear is their personal choice,who are we to make them feel like aliens…..Who are we to comment about their food??If they choose to eat beef,why should it bother others…Why those accusing stares at the muslims after every terror attack??why why why??

Some may think that I have come up with a lot of questions but haven’t answered any…but then if the answer was so easy that one person could figure them all out…then would the problem have reached this dimension at all??It needs people to think and decide conscientially what can be done…Little efforts on our part can make huge difference to the world around us…Its time for all INDIANS to stand side by side under the same banner and fight….fight against our agelong prejudices and overcome limitations that have been ingrained into us…if we as sensible human beings cant do it..then why blame the others….

“Nobody is born a terrorist”…its the situation which makes them take it up….if we being blessed with reason and education fail to take a stand…then why expect those
deprived people to have moral standards….Its a wake up call for all Indians…WAKE UP AND TAKE A STAND….JAI HIND….


Unknown said...

this is such a topic which i feel is very much debatable. But feeling really happy to find your thoughts to be the same as myself....I have seen maximum people hate the Muslim religion. At least you will find 80% of the Hindus who just very rudely curse the Muslims for the terrorist attacks. But i don't know why the Muslim religion as whole should be blamed. It is our neighbor who is jealous on the progress of our nation. Yea there are some strange evidence for instance celebrating Pakistan's cricket victory in India which might be a cause of angers but yet still I believe our Muslims bhais are with us and will fight together in paucity.

Anonymous said...

wel u hv rightly pointd out de poverty...........i guess its more imp dan religious or regional terms
ab y r so many ppl poor.................if i m nt wrong if de total black money diposited n swiss bank by indians is divided by de total population ov india each ppl wud get about 15 v noe de black money r not 4 ny good deeds............buh dis money grows bcoz ov some bloody politicians whum v vote 2 power
its nly if v vote 4 de rite prsn n hv cntrl ova de administration a lot cn b chnged
wel de terrorist wil always try 2 attack us n wen its cross border its more ov a menance........buh if v cn b stronger evn de wrld cnt bring our destiny
its v de youth wich needs 2 cum forward........nly v cn eradicate corruption n oder thngs wil b removed demselves
jai hind