Its 2009…the year has began with its due share of uncertainities n troubles galore…with the slowdown and all….but then it has brought us something we have craved for since quite long….am talking about “slumdog millionaire” winning 10 oscar nominations…
What is the first picture that comes to your mind when u hear the word “slum”…those dingy houses in some regions in Mumbai and kolkata ..where the very basic need to have a roof on the head far surpasses all concerns of hygiene and safety….n we associate with it the word “dog” and here we have a picture of person who is an underdog in every sense of the term….then as if ironically we put the word “millionaire” after it….aren’t those two words poles apart?In a slum where people feel blessed if they get two square meals per day who dreams of being a millionaire..or should I say who can dare to dream about being a millionaire…..but then it was this very contrast that somehow attracted me
to go and watch the movie….just to check how does someone bring these two unlikely concepts together.
So what I find in the movie is simply amazing…a frame by frame depiction of a slumdwellers life….the pain,the simple pleasures,the innocent smiles….all depicted very realistically….the riots,the orphaned kids,the escape from the hands of a person whose business is to cripple babies and get them to beg….they are very much there.But even more touching is the part when the underdog manages to go on air on “who wants to be a millionaire” and even there he is mocked for being the “chayewala” .Its as if the very fact
that he is a chayewala rising higher,that successful people like the host of the show feels insecure and tries to stop his flight….isn’t it true in every way??the more people have the more insecure they feel because they have things to lose..but a have-not has nothing to lose….so he dares….dares to come on a tv show just to find his long lost love…dares to
phone a friend ..being fully aware that the person on the other side is as ignorant as he is…dares to move from one question to another knowing that a mistake at the next stage could make him penniless as before….but the money is not his target…he wants to be on air for as long as possible…and for that he dares to anwer…raking the nooks and cranies of his brain for experiences that could potentially give him the answers…it’s the longing to be on air…that makes him delve deeper into his memories and find the answers…haven’t we always been told that its all in our mind…its just that we don’t look hard enough to find the answers….for a change he does…and WINS.Its the victory of the human mind…the human spirit…and above all the human himself…
Thats “slumdog millionaire” to me…the epitome of hope ..the symbol of the power of human will and human mind…which can break all barriers …kudos to the human will..
What is the first picture that comes to your mind when u hear the word “slum”…those dingy houses in some regions in Mumbai and kolkata ..where the very basic need to have a roof on the head far surpasses all concerns of hygiene and safety….n we associate with it the word “dog” and here we have a picture of person who is an underdog in every sense of the term….then as if ironically we put the word “millionaire” after it….aren’t those two words poles apart?In a slum where people feel blessed if they get two square meals per day who dreams of being a millionaire..or should I say who can dare to dream about being a millionaire…..but then it was this very contrast that somehow attracted me
to go and watch the movie….just to check how does someone bring these two unlikely concepts together.
So what I find in the movie is simply amazing…a frame by frame depiction of a slumdwellers life….the pain,the simple pleasures,the innocent smiles….all depicted very realistically….the riots,the orphaned kids,the escape from the hands of a person whose business is to cripple babies and get them to beg….they are very much there.But even more touching is the part when the underdog manages to go on air on “who wants to be a millionaire” and even there he is mocked for being the “chayewala” .Its as if the very fact
that he is a chayewala rising higher,that successful people like the host of the show feels insecure and tries to stop his flight….isn’t it true in every way??the more people have the more insecure they feel because they have things to lose..but a have-not has nothing to lose….so he dares….dares to come on a tv show just to find his long lost love…dares to
phone a friend ..being fully aware that the person on the other side is as ignorant as he is…dares to move from one question to another knowing that a mistake at the next stage could make him penniless as before….but the money is not his target…he wants to be on air for as long as possible…and for that he dares to anwer…raking the nooks and cranies of his brain for experiences that could potentially give him the answers…it’s the longing to be on air…that makes him delve deeper into his memories and find the answers…haven’t we always been told that its all in our mind…its just that we don’t look hard enough to find the answers….for a change he does…and WINS.Its the victory of the human mind…the human spirit…and above all the human himself…
Thats “slumdog millionaire” to me…the epitome of hope ..the symbol of the power of human will and human mind…which can break all barriers …kudos to the human will..
yes...it's really an engaging and inspiritational ride that will have you stating a million reasons to see it.From simple, childhood glee to teenage trouble and heartache, it's the kind of universal story that will leave you breathless!!!!well done...you really shown a real fact about the movie!!!if we think impossible becomes I am possible to us!!!!
didn't saw the movie yet but got a outline of it from your writing....now more enthusiastic to see it......chalia jao bhaiti...;)
A wonderfully done movie review. makes me crave to see the movie once more. good job dear!
definitely true.this hyper realistic mish mash which is too much a fairy tale to be real and too much real to be fairy tale does strike a chord.i hv read reams upon reams on it but u hv given an interesting perspective to look at the movie.
"…haven’t we always been told that its all in our mind…its just that we don’t look hard enough to find the answers…"
so true.the answers to life'ss problems often lie with us but we shud only start lookin at the right places
Thats a good presentation of the movie which tells exactly what the movie is all about....one who have'nt watched it will definitely go for the movie after reading this blog...
its a gr8 muvi .. its so realistic..very heart touching...
thanks 4 da blog...really impressive..hope some "slumdogs" also would have got a chance 2 read the blog...
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